Responsible for editorial content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Lawyer Tobias Vels
RBB & Partner mbB, lawyers & tax consultants, Vels, Blessing, Jani, Graeter
Schillerstraße 25
74613 Öhringen

Design & concept:
Neckarmedia advertising agency Heilbronn

Information according to § 5 Telemediengesetz (provider):
RBB & Partner mbB, Lawyers & Tax Consultants, Vels, Blessing, Jani, Graeter
Schillerstraße 25
74613 Öhringen
Telephone: +49 (7941) 92 06-0
Fax: +49 (7941) 92 06-99
VAT ID No.: DE 146306432
AG Stuttgart PR 720577

Branch office Gaildorf:
Schloßstraße 1
74405 Gaildorf
Phone: +49 (7971) 97 80 99-0
Fax: +49 (7971) 97 80 99-13

Rosenberg branch:
Ellwanger Street 3/2
73494 Rosenberg
Phone: +49 (7967) 20 980-80
Fax: +49 (7967) 20 980-75

Schwäbisch Hall branch:
Obere Herrngasse 14
74523 Schwäbisch Hall
Phone: +49 (791) 93111-50
Fax: +49 (791) 93111-55

Legal form, register:
RBB & Partner mbB, Rechtsanwälte & Steuerberater, Vels, Blessing, Jani, Graeter is a partnership with limited professional liability (‘mbB’) in accordance with the German Partnership Act (PartGG), registered in the partnership register of Stuttgart Local Court under registration number PR 720577.

The partnership is represented by the partners:
Tobias Vels
Pablo Blessing
Tobias Jani
Jürgen Graeter

Professional titles:
Partners and employees of RBB & Partner mbB, Rechtsanwälte & Steuerberater, Vels, Blessing, Jani, Graeter bear the legal professional titles ‘Rechtsanwalt’ or ‘Rechtsanwältin’ or ‘Steuerberater’.

These professional titles were awarded in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Competent supervisory authority for lawyers:
Stuttgart Bar Association
Corporation under public law
Königstraße 14
70173 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 222155-0

Competent supervisory authority for tax consultants:
Stuttgart Chamber of Tax Consultants
Corporation under public law
Hegelstrasse 33
70174 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 61948-0

Professional regulations:

The lawyers and tax consultants are admitted in Germany and are subject to the professional regulations for lawyers and tax consultants, in particular:


  • Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO)
  • Berufsordnung für Rechtsanwälte (BORA)
  • Fachanwaltsordnung (FAO)
  • Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz (RVG)
  • Berufsregelungen der Rechtsanwälte der Europäischen Gemeinschaft
  • das Gesetz über die Tätigkeit europäischer Rechtsanwälte in Deutschland (EuRAG)

Tax Consultants:

  • Steuerberatungsgesetz (StBerG)
  • Durchführungsverordnung zum Steuerberatergesetz (DVStB)
  • Berufsordnung der Steuerberater (BOStB)
  • Steuerberatervergütungsverordnung (StBVV)

The professional regulations can be viewed at the respective competent chambers:

Federal Chamber of Lawyers, Littenstraße 9, 10179 Berlin
Stuttgart Bar Association Königstraße 14, 70173 Stuttgart
Federal Chamber of Tax Consultants, Behrenstraße 42, 10117 Berlin
Stuttgart Chamber of Tax Consultants. Hegelstraße 33, 70174 Stuttgart

These regulations can also be found on the website of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers at and on the website of the Stuttgart Chamber of Tax Consultants at, in each case under ‘Berufsrecht’.

Professional liability insurance:
Allianz Versicherungs-AG, D-10900 Berlin
Territorial scope: Europe

Data protection officer:
Our company has a data protection officer:

Sirus Paidar
RBB & Partner mbB, lawyers & tax consultants, Vels, Blessing, Jani, Graeter
Schillerstraße 25
74613 Öhringen
Phone: +49 (7941) 64 81-360
Fax: +49 (7941) 64 81-386

Out-of-court dispute resolution:

In the event of disputes between lawyers and their clients, there is the possibility of out-of-court dispute resolution upon request at the Stuttgart Bar Association (pursuant to Section 73 (2) No. 3 in conjunction with Section 73 (5) BRAO) or at the dispute resolution centre of the legal profession (Section 191f BRAO) at the Federal Bar Association, which can be found on the Internet via the homepage of the Federal Bar Association (, e-mail:

General duty to inform according to § 36 VSBG:

The arbitration centre of the legal profession, Rauchstraße 26, 10787 Berlin ( is the competent arbitration centre within the meaning of Section 36 of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Act (VSBG) for disputes arising from the client relationship up to a value of 50,000 euros.

We do not participate in dispute resolution proceedings before the consumer arbitration board.

EU platform for out-of-court dispute resolution: