Lawyer Tobias Vels

Specialised in commercial and corporate law
Specialised in construction and architectural law
Lecturer at the heilbronn university of applied sciences

Tobias Vels was born in Bonn in 1977, grew up partly abroad and completed his studies at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität of Bonn. He completed his studies in economics with an intermediate diploma, his law studies with a focus on corporate law, and his legal clerkship in the district of the Higher Regional Court of Cologne. During his studies and traineeship he worked for medium-sized and big law firms in Germany, Canada and Israel. In addition to his work as a lawyer at RBB & Partner, he was a founding partner of an engineering firm and, since its sale, has been managing director of a consulting firm specialising in mining . Mr Vels is married and father of two children and enjoys sports in his leisure. He is also involved in party politics and a service club.